21 Jan Our Unfailing God
In case this is the first Reflection you’ve read this year, each week in January we are praying for a renewed vision and understanding of God. We have been meditating on the nature and character of God using four of the greatest chapters in the Bible.
The first week we read Isaiah 40, considering the incomparable greatness of God. The second week we read Psalm 139, reflecting on the all-knowing, always present God, who knows all our days and His purposes for them (I hope you haven’t gotten over the marvel of that). This week I want to focus on the God revealed in Romans 8.
I honestly do not feel worthy to write or speak on such a profound passage of Scripture. It is a great treasure among all of God’s Word because it unveils His incomprehensible sovereignty and unfathomable grace. It is theologically rich, but also deeply practical.
Let’s begin with the astonishing closing statement at the end of the chapter . . . “No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (8:39, New Living Translation)
How is this possible, especially compared to the human experience? We may not speak the word if aloud, but the endurance of human relationships often depends on if you don’t disappoint me or if you remain faithful or if you meet my needs. But God’s love has no such uncertainty or reservation or conditions, despite a formidable list of challenging circumstances: “Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger of threatened with death?” (8:35, NLT) It does not!
God’s relationship with us is unlike any other historical religion, because it includes the imagery of adoption, sonship, intimacy, and inheritance (8:15-17). God the Father made a plan to deliver us out of our slavery to Sin and Death, which only led to a relationship based on fear. God the Son achieved this deliverance for us, so we are now welcomed into a new family where God’s children relate to Him as Abba (translated “daddy”).
As God’s children we are also promised a secure future, like a trust fund awaiting us at the appointed time. Jesus endured suffering in this world, and we will also experience grief and distress (though not to same degree). However, as children of the Most High God, we can develop a whole different perspective on the inevitable difficulties of our lives. But how?
God’s love is unfailing, and He has given us a guarantee—a deposit on the birthright waiting us. God the Spirit actually lives within Christ’s followers, accompanying us as a guide and teacher, praying for us before God’s throne and translating our feeble prayers right to God’s ears.
God’s help is unfailing, and He will never leave us. Yet many are so overwhelmed by chaos and their burdens that God’s love is eclipsed from their view. Sometimes we feel like God is not really with us in our dire circumstances. It is in those very moments that we must remind each other of His astounding promise, “And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (8:27-28, NLT)
Pause a moment . . . take a deep breath . . . allow your mind to reflect on this truth today: our unfailing God is for us! (8:31)
Join me for one final week as we wrap our minds around Revelation 21, a future vision of God!
Renewing a vision of God with you,
David Atchison
Lord, to be loved and supported the way Romans 8 describes it is awe inspiring. Even when I concentrate on these truths, they seem too good to be true. I know I am vulnerable to the lies and deception of the Enemy you have already defeated, so help me set my mind on Your Spirit Who is leading me toward our future life together. Oh Lord, renew my vision of You as I continue meditating on everything you’ve revealed in this passage. Amen.
“God loves us NOT because we’re lovable, because He is love. Not because He needs to receive, because He delights to give.” –C. S. Lewis